Strategy to make it happen
Our goal is to create a sustainable and healthy transportation system by promoting active mobility, specifically cycling. We will achieve this through the implementation of an ABC Bill that will provide the necessary infrastructure, policies, and incentives to encourage cycling. Active mobility is a sustainable and environmentally friendly mode of transportation. As such, it is important to ensure that policies and infrastructure support active mobility as part of efforts to address climate change and promote climate justice.
Crucial for every citizen to support this bill thereby ensuring that these policies and programs are supported by the Leadership at the Gov level and by the Indian Parliament.
To make the Indian Parliament Implement this bill the strategy is to focus on the following key areas:
We will be releasing the toolkits for each of the following strategies so that the voice is heard across the country.
Coalition Building
Build coalitions with other like-minded organizations to amplify their voice and create a broader movement in support of the bill. This could include civil society organizations, cycling clubs, and environmental groups.
Grassroots Mobilization
Mobilize grassroots support for the bill by engaging with local communities, schools, and colleges. This could involve organizing cycling rallies, workshops, and other events to promote cycling and raise awareness about the benefits of the bill.
Engage in targeted lobbying efforts to influence parliamentarians and government officials. This could include meetings with MPs, sending letters or petitions to government officials, and organizing rallies or demonstrations to draw attention to the issue.
Media Engagement
Engage with the media to raise awareness about the bill and its benefits. This could include press conferences, op-eds, and social media campaigns to build public support for the bill.
Workshops and Sensitization
Monitor the implementation of the bill and sensitize the people.