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Active mobility leaders in USA

There are many organizations and individuals in the United States who are working to promote active mobility, such as walking, cycling, and public transportation. Here are a few examples of organizations and individuals who are influential in promoting active mobility in the USA:

The National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO) is a national association of city transportation departments and agencies. NACTO works to promote active mobility by advocating for better cycling and walking infrastructure, and by sharing best practices and resources among its member cities.

The Alliance for Biking & Walking is a national organization that works to promote active mobility by advocating for better cycling and walking infrastructure, and by sharing best practices and resources among its member organizations.

The Active Transportation Alliance is a Chicago-based advocacy organization that works to promote active mobility by advocating for better cycling and walking infrastructure, and by promoting active travel through education, outreach, and events.

The PeopleForBikes Alliance is a national organization that works to promote cycling in the United States by advocating for better cycling infrastructure and policies, and by promoting cycling as a healthy and sustainable mode of transportation.

The Rails-to-Trails Conservancy is a national organization that works to create and preserve trail networks for walking, cycling, and other active travel. The Conservancy works to promote active mobility by advocating for trail development and by sharing best practices and resources among its member organizations.

The League of American Bicyclists is a national organization that works to promote cycling in the United States by advocating for better cycling infrastructure and policies, and by promoting cycling as a healthy and sustainable mode of transportation.

The Project for Public Spaces (PPS) is a national organization that works to create and improve public spaces in the United States, with a focus on creating livable and sustainable communities. PPS works to promote active mobility by advocating for better public spaces and by sharing best practices and resources among its member organizations.

America Walks is a national organization that works to promote walking in the United States by advocating for better walking infrastructure and policies, and by promoting walking as a healthy and sustainable mode of transportation.

The Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) is a professional organization for transportation engineers and planners in the United States. ITE works to promote active mobility by advocating for better walking and cycling infrastructure, and by sharing best practices and resources among its members.

The Congress for the New Urbanism (CNU) is a national organization that works to promote sustainable and livable communities in the United States, with a focus on walkable and mixed-use development. CNU works to promote active mobility by advocating for better urban design and by sharing best practices and resources among its member organizations.

It’s worth noting that there are many other organizations and individuals across the country who are working to promote active mobility, and this list is not exhaustive. The leaders in this field are constantly evolving and growing, as the awareness of the benefits of active mobility is increasing in the US and the world.