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Cycle Hire Scheme - In 2010, London introduced its popular Cycle Hire scheme, which provided affordable bike rental options throughout the city. Today, the scheme boasts over 11,000 bikes and over 750 docking stations.

Cycle Superhighways - The introduction of the Cycle Superhighways in 2010 was a major milestone in the development of London's cycling infrastructure. These dedicated bike routes offer a safer and more direct way to get around the city, and have been expanded and improved in the years since their introduction.

Mini-Holland schemes - In 2013, London introduced its Mini-Holland schemes, which aimed to transform suburban areas into cycling-friendly zones. These schemes involved significant investment in cycling infrastructure and helped to make cycling a more attractive option for residents in these areas.

Vision for Cycling - In 2013, Boris Johnson launched his Vision for Cycling, which outlined a series of ambitious goals for promoting cycling in the city. These goals included the creation of a "cycling revolution" in London, with cycling accounting for up to 10% of all journeys in the city by 2026.