Active mobility Universities & Courses in France
Many universities in France are actively engaged in research related to active mobility, particularly in the fields of urban planning, transport, and public health. Here are some universities that are conducting research in this area:
École des Ponts ParisTech - École des Ponts ParisTech has a dedicated Chair for Cycling Mobility that conducts research on sustainable transport and mobility, including cycling. They offer courses related to transport and urban planning, including a Master of Science in Sustainable Urban Mobility.
Université Gustave Eiffel - Université Gustave Eiffel has a dedicated Institute for Smart Mobility and Transport that conducts research on sustainable transport and mobility, including active mobility. They offer courses related to transport and urban planning, including a Master of Science in Sustainable Mobility and Transport.
Université de Lyon - Université de Lyon has a dedicated Institute for Transport and Development Studies that conducts research on sustainable transport and mobility, including active mobility. They offer courses related to transport and urban planning, including a Master of Science in Urban Planning and Development.
Université de Paris - Université de Paris has a dedicated Research Group on Urban and Environmental Health that conducts research on sustainable transport and mobility, including active mobility. They offer courses related to public health, including a Master of Science in Environmental Health.
Université Paris-Est - Université Paris-Est has a dedicated Laboratory of Urban Transport Planning and Economics that conducts research on sustainable transport and mobility, including active mobility. They offer courses related to transport and urban planning, including a Master of Science in Urban Planning and Development.